Our organization was founded by three Ukrainian Americans who can not close their eyes to the terrors happening in Ukraine. We knew we wanted to make an impactful difference in the lives of all the people in Ukraine, both refugees and the ones currently present in Ukraine living through a war zone. Living during a time of war is devastating. Lives have been shattered and torn away from so many. Children and women have been left saying goodbye to their fathers and husbands. Some children, being left with no one at all. The toll this kind of tragedy leaves on a human can have long-term damaging effects on one's mental wellbeing. 

Ukraine needs you is a nonprofit organization which is solely focused on raising money to provide mental health solutions to all Ukrainians that are affected by the war. We have been working with Nuero Brain Boost and their experienced team of psychologists in organizing a hotline we are operating 24/7 and we are available via video or a call-in system. This hotline is a safe haven for those who need to express what they are going through and be properly guided by trained medical staff to ensure their mental health and stability will not be tarnished. Through all the donations being raised, 100% of all proceeds will go towards the psychologists who will be rendering services. In addition to this, we will be supplying journals, computers, and phones for those that don’t have the required access to needed to utilize these services.  This is a very real and much needed and necessary service that needs to be given to all those that are affected by the war. The time to help is now. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people” 

When most people think of war and its damages to the human body, we think of those that are tangible and evident to the human eye. We rarely consider the physiological irrefutable damage that people not only live with in the moment, but for years to come. 

This is a necessary and extremely overlooked service that is needed today more than ever.