

President | Co-Founder

Irene was born in Kyiv, Ukraine and came to America when she was 12 years old. Her family moved to Los Angeles. Her fondest childhood memories are those revolving around her time in Kyiv. Despite moving to Los angles at a young age, she would still go back very often. Her family still has a home in the neighborhood of Velikiye Demetriviciher. In adult life, Irene has always worked helping others. Irene’s career path has been filled with years of qualified experience in the healthcare field with a strong specialization in substance abuse treatment. Both her professional and personal experiences in life have given her the unique ability to relate to the struggles people deal with when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction and the road to treatment. To her, the biggest reward is leading people back to a road of hopefulness and recovery. Irene is passionate about bring the innocent people dealing with the war in Ukraine back to place of good mental health. 


Chief Financial Officer | Co-Founder

Karina was born in Kyiv Ukraine and moved to America when she was 4 years old. Her family moved to New York. She has always had a passion for helping other and has been working in the healthcare field since her college years. She is currently feeling very attached and moved by the war in Ukraine as she understands what it means to want to protect your land. Karina joined the United States Navy after watching the twin towers fall from the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil. Her time spent in the military during a time of war bring hers even closer to what people are dealing with and feeling form the impact of this unwarranted attack on her motherland. Karina would like to use both her knowledge and experience in home care and combine it with her courage from her military training to give the people of Ukraine a successful and helpful journey back to mental health. 

Lenny Shtyenberg

Vice President | Co-Founder

Lenny was born in Odessa Ukraine and came to America when he was 7 years old. Lenny and his family originally moved to New York but in 2000 left to Los Angeles. Lenny just visited Ukraine back in 2021, just one year prior to the horrific attack on Ukraine in 2022. Lenny recalls his time in Ukraine as being the most insightful and meaningful trip ever leaving the states. Being back to his roots and walking the streets he walked as a child was both profound and nostalgic. The Euphoria of being back, and with the kindness of the wonderful people of Ukraine, Lenny is determined to give back to them by ensuring their mental health is in good standing. Lenny currently works in influencer marketing and will use both his knowledge and resources to help bring the attention to the mental health awareness crisis for those suffering from the war in Ukraine. 

Paul Dolgov


As the late great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko once said,

“It's terrible to lie in chains, 
To rot in dungeon deep, 
But it's still worse, when you are free 
To sleep, and sleep, and sleep.”

Harris Fishman


Harris Fishman is from Providence RI and has made LA his home for over twenty years.  Harris is a passionate advocate for social justice and consults on new modes of communication and entertainment in todays rapidly changing social landscape. Harris works as an active TV Producer and Creative Executive and when he first came to Los Angeles was the Co-Artistic Director of The Met Theatre. Harris is also a graduate of Brown University and received his MFA from The Yale School of Drama.

Heidi Kershaw


Heidi Kershaw specializes in board diplomacy, government relations, creating corporate culture, inspiring team efforts, developing strategic plans for program implementation, positioning public relations efforts, and providing clear messaging to all stakeholders.

Eugene Khait, MD


I was born on Nov 4, 1981 in Chernivtski , Ukraine. Youngest of 2 boys , when I was 6 my family and I immigrated to the United States. We left without much ties to Ukraine except for few family friends. Having the choice to go to Israel or the United States my parents chose the latter for the perceived safety and opportunities it afforded. As I grew up in an immigrant community in Brooklyn, N.Y. my identity as a Jewish refugee from Ukriane came more into focus as I learned about the reasons for our immigration, working at a local Jewish day camp and later on a Birth Right trip to Israel.

I went to college and medical school and currently work as a Cardiologist in NYC. For most of my life being Jewish and a New Yorker has been my predominant identity . Ukraine has always been a distant memory for me, with no family or other close ties their it mostly symbolized my birthplace but not much else. Since the current war in Ukraine however my feelings have evolved. Personally seeing refugees fleeing from war, trying to save their children and families, has made me realize I came from similar circumstances, fleeing for safety and opportunity. It is the right thing to do now to help them as others have helped my family and I.